Small Communal Wastewater Treatment System, Sweden

Small Communal Wastewater Treatment System, Sweden

Location: Sweden

Project:Small Communal Wastewater Treatment System.

A total of 6 houses and 25 people are connected and discharge their domestic waste water to the system. This project is a good example of an economical solution which reduced the cost per household considerably compared to the installation of a treatment system for each house.

This Multirock system is composed of a 16 000L primary tank followed by a Flow Control Chamber and 2 x ECOROCK-3000 Treatment Units. Due to the site levels a pumping station was also installed to pump the wastewater from the primary tank to the Flow Control Chamber.

Vil du komme i kontakt med oss?

Hei jeg heter José Manuel Rodríguez , International Sales Director av BIOROCK. Kontakt oss nå for en GRATIS prosjektvurdering.

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