El Pueblo 27 villas, 'green' project in the Caribbean

El Pueblo 27 villas, 'green' project in the Caribbean


Island of Bonaire.


El Pueblo villas: 27 private villas overviewing the beach and sea. All villas at El Pueblo share a beautiful, spacious and wide design. This guarantees that you get the maximum benefit from the cool Caribbean trade winds, as well as ensuring each villa's privacy.
The beautiful wall around each villa adds to this privacy. Additionally the entire terrain of El Pueblo except for the sea frontage is surrounded by a natural and almost impenetrable cactus fence, entry to the villa complex is only possible through the main entrance.


27 private villas


El Pueblo villas

Technical description

A specialist Wastewater Treatment System manufactured by 'BIOROCK' has been installed. Following treatment in the BIOROCK system produces virtually clean water. There are two main advantages in using the BIOROCK sewaeg treatment plant: Most importantly the BIOROCK sewage plant is not affected if little or no new wastewater enters the tanks whilst the villas are empty. Another key factor is that no nutrients remain in the final effluent so the risk of polluting the local environment which includes the reef is minimized. The BIOROCK system was chosen as it is acknowledged to be very environmentally friendly.

A buffer tank will be installed for treated water storage. A pump providing water to a drip irrigation system for the garden will be then be connected to this tank.

Vil du komme i kontakt med oss?

Hei jeg heter José Manuel Rodríguez , International Sales Director av BIOROCK. Kontakt oss nå for en GRATIS prosjektvurdering.

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